Thursday, November 19, 2009

Gooooooal: Vive la France

In case you slept through the boisterous and clamorous celebrations late last night all over Paris, let me inform you that: No, France did not win the world cup. They merely qualified having tied with Ireland 1-1. Living near L'Arc de Triumph and Champs Elysees has its benefits, but last night's raucous made for a rather sleepless night. As an added bonus to the never-ending honking, Algeria qualified too sending emotions and flags running wild...


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Bring the raucous! Even if Thierry cheated... Did they have pots and pans? Fireworks?

  3. I think the correct analysis is that le francais STOLE the qualifying...I'm no expert mais quand meme!

  4. Yes, correct analysis would indicate that Thierry did in fact cheat, thus le francais stole the qualifying match. But, living on French soil, one must be careful and sensitive with how one phrases the outcomes of these very important national sporting events.
